
Friday, 20 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey Activity 3 Charity

                                                             Variety (The Children Charity)

At Variety - the Children's Charity, they help give disadvantaged New Zealand children the happier, healthier childhood they deserve. With your Sponser's help Variety provides Kiwi Kids with basic essentials, extra curricular opportunities, additional funding and school related like school uniform, sports fees etc...

Thursday, 19 December 2019

Summer learning day 1. Activity 2

                                                                    My Culture

Welcome to life in the slow lane. Here time dances to the rhythms of the oceans and the sound of church bells on Sunday. In fact, on a trip to Tonga you'd sometimes be forgiven for thinking time stood still. That's because, despite embracing many elements of the contemporary world, Tongans still proudly retain their authentic culture and traditions.

Many Tongans still live in village communities following tradtional dress 'ta'ovala' -  woven waist mat are commonly worn. Meat and food, vegetables are still cooked in earth ovens called Umus. And the Ceremonial tradition Kava drinking, the traditional Polynesian drink, is a very real part of Tonga life.

Tonga is the only Pacific Island nation never colonised by Foreign power. Uniquely, Tonga has also never lost it's indigenous governance.

Tongan arts and Handicrafts, including bone carving, wood carving, basket making and fine weaving made using techniques passed down through generations of Tongan craftspeople, are everywhere too. The most famous local craft is the making of Tapa, a decorative bark cloth painted with traditional
symbols and designs. Tapa is usually offered as a gift or respect at wedding, birth and Funerals.

The most important or special to me and my family is attending Church every Sunday.
We speak both Tongan and English. I don't speak much Tongan, but I understand when my parents speak the Tongan languange. So I'm working hard on doing my best to speak Tongan fluently.
How cool is that!!!

Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey - Acrtivity 1

1) Can food eg. bake beans
2) Noodles
3) Snacks eg. chips
4) Rice
5) Crackers
6) Fruits
7) Bread
8) Eggs
9) Vegetables
10) Solid Food eg. Taro, yam